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From raw data to business intelligence

Integrated product for your Tally® instance which churns raw data in to meaningful business insights.

Extract and sync data from Tally®

Talligence connector

Light weight data export tool
No dedicated hardware or high-end configuration systems required to run the data extraction tool
Fully automated sync of data
No manual process of exporting as the data from Tally® is automatically exported and synced
Status and logs
Detailed event capturing and status reporting to monitor the status of data sync
Auto refresh the synchronisation data
Get the Tally data synchronisation status updated on a regular interval
Auto pause and resume when memory is not available
The Connector will automatically pause and resume the services if the required memory is not available
Access to the portal faster
Access your Talligence portal data just after the current year’s data get synchronised

Out-of-the-box solution

Easy and secure data transfer

Simple installation
One-click install, and a guided configuration wizard makes installation very easy
Guided configuration
Select companies for sync and set sync interval of your choice
Tally® ODBC integration
Connects to your Tally® database over ODBC and sync’s data to our data warehouse over secured channels

Extract, transform and load (ETL)

Built-in data transformation

Data cleaning and normalization
Raw data from Tally® is cleansed, audited and profiled for further processing
Preserves data integrity
Automation reduces human error thus increasing accuracy of data and reports
End to End encrypted data transfer
The Talligence connector establishes a secure channel of encrypted data transition with the server and the client environment
Smart algorithms for analytics
Smart algorithms that map data against industry standard KPIs for better business insights